Low T Clinic in Houston
Experiencing a decrease in energy and libido (sex drive), increase in body fat, and emotional changes? You may be suffering from low testosterone, and you’re not alone.
Many men suffer from low T. In fact, it affects almost 40% of men aged 45 and older. It’s more common in older men because testosterone levels naturally drop after the age of 30. However, this doesn’t mean your good days have to be behind you.
A popular way to remedy is through TRT.
Our TRT Clinic serving Houston TX can assess your low T symptoms and let you know if testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the appropriate treatment option for you.
Our team of medical professionals knows precisely what you’re going through and want to help bring you back to your old, vibrant self. Call to learn more about our treatment options or schedule an appointment online today.
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?
TRT is a type of hormone therapy used to bring T levels back to normal in the body. It typically involves the administration through injections, patches orgels/creams. You may be embarrassed or nervous about seeking treatment, but the longer you wait in your treatment, the worse your condition will get.
The Benefits of TRT
There are many benefits to TRT. Once one of our medical professionals establishes the appropriate dosage for you, you may experience:
- Increased lean muscle mass
- Decreased belly fat
- Increased energy
- Increased libido
- Positive mood and ambition
- Increased metabolism
- Increased bone mineral density
- Thickened body hair and skin
- Improved cognitive function
- Improved sexual function
- Increased muscle strength

Is TRT Safe?
Yes. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved testosterone “as replacement therapy for men who have low T levels due to disorders of the testicles, pituitary gland, or brain that cause a condition called hypogonadism.” However, that doesn’t mean there are no side effects.
The Side Effects of TRT
General side effects may include:
- Increased acne
- Increased estrogen levels
- Mild fluid retention
- Decreased stream and frequency
- Breast tissue enlargement
- Worsening of sleep apnea
- Decreased sperm count and testicular size
- Increased red blood cell count
Why Do Some Men Have Low Testosterone Levels?
As stated before, data has shown older men to have decreased testosterone levels. However, other factors can contribute to low testosterone, including diabetes, obesity, corticosteroids, and trauma.
If you want the best results, you should combine TRT with a fitness regimen. This guide can help guys over 40 blend TRT and fitness in a healthy way.
Lifestyle Changes And Testosterone
Can you recall the most recent instance you engaged in physical activity? How frequently do you include nourishing foods and vegetables in your diet? If these moments prove challenging to recollect, it might be worth considering some adjustments to your lifestyle.
Our team of healthcare experts might suggest targeted exercise plans or dietary modifications tailored to support your goals. Should you encounter difficulties in maintaining these adjustments, we are also equipped to propose alternative therapies, potentially encompassing specific medications, that could align with your needs.
If you're looking for a place in Houston to get out and get some exercise, why not go for a hike at one of the area parks
How Do I Know If TRT Is Best For Me?
We’ll help you figure that out! During your initial visit, we will conduct a series of comprehensive health evaluations (including full blood work), and create a personal plan according to your needs (which may or may not include TRT) based on your health assessment, lab results, and medical history.

How We Administer TRT
A medical professional in our TRT Clinic will administer testosterone replacement injections typically every seven to 10 days. Alternatively, you can issue the shot by yourself at-home since we offer simple, convenient take-home services, enhancing accessibility. Find more info about our at-home therapy options here.
At our TRT Clinic serving Houston, injection therapy is our medical team’s preferred method instead of gels/creams, or patches.
Why Testosterone Replacement Via Shots Is Our Preferred Method
Simply put, testosterone replacement via shots is a superior delivery method. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with all of the delivery methods listed above, so let’s review them.
Gels and creams are easy to apply and are convenient. However, they are messy and can be inadvertently transferred to your spouse, significant other, children, or others. Additionally, absorption rates vary per individual and even depend on the season.
Patches may cause a rash and may not adhere well to your skin, especially if you have a lot of body hair.
Adjusting your dosage should be a precise task, but it’s nearly impossible to do with gels, creams, and patches.
Testosterone injection is proven to be clinically effective, is absorbed by your body the same way natural testosterone would, and offers the most control over your dosage. There is no mess, transmission to family, or infection. However, if needles make you nervous, it might be a little stressful!
Book Your Appointment Today
Our goal is to balance and optimize these hormones through personalized plans. We provide nutritional fitness, weight loss, and overall health guidance to help you feel your best.
Signs of Low testosterone?
According to the American Urological Association, a man with a testosterone level below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) should be diagnosed with “low testosterone.” Most insurance providers will cover treatment if it is below 300 ng/dL or the lab’s reference range where the blood was tested.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
Symptoms of low testosterone include:
- Fatigue
- Sexual Difficulties
- Weight gain
- Mental or emotional difficulties
- Erectile Dysfunction
Many men don’t know they have low testosterone because these symptoms can be attributable to many other conditions, and they gradually increase over time. While sometimes it’s normal to feel tired or have similar symptoms simply because of age or interpersonal conflict, it’s not always the case. Sometimes, you need a little T-boost, and that’s okay.
Is it Dangerous To Have Low T?
It can be. The symptoms that result from low testosterone--such as weight gain--can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Of course, the emotional difficulties sometimes caused by low T can be harmful to your health too.
Is Testosterone Medicine New?
Not really, but I guess it depends on what you consider “new.” Scientists Adolf Butenand and Leopold Ruzick created synthetic testosterone in 1935. Scientists continue to find more effective ways to replace testosterone, but the 1935 breakthrough was momentous.
Call or schedule an appointment online today at our Houston TRT clinic. We look forward to building your TRT treatment plan and helping you build a happier, healthier life.
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