12 Benefits of Lipo-B, Weight Loss Support Backed by Medical Care
The problem is, our bodies do not create Vitamin B12 and most people are not getting enough. Vitamin B12 helps keep important functions in our bodies working correctly.
What is Lipo-B?
Amino acids are our bodies’ natural chemicals that keep things well-greased and working correctly. Lipotropics are three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver: Choline, Methione, and Inositol. These 3 acids help kickstart your body and burn fat, which helps create natural energy produced by your body. Combining the 3 acids with vitamin B12 promotes alertness, liveliness, and eliminates mental fogginess.
How does Lipo-B work? And what are the benefits?
Your liver is responsible for removing fat and toxins from your body, so the healthier it is, the better for your body operates.
The cocktail B12 and Lipo vitamin shots enhances liver function and increase the flow of fats and bile from the liver and gallbladder.
By speeding up the removal of fat within the liver, our bodily functions start to improve. This is important for those that are sleep deprived and working long hours because your body is putting in extra hours without rest.
The most important vitamin is B12, which keeps your energy steady without any energy drink or coffee feeling jitters.
Vitamin B12 Lipotropic Injections help detox your liver, energize your entire body, and boost your metabolism. (Reference)
What is B12 deficiency?
Many Americans are B12 deficient due to dietary issues – our bodies’ inability to properly absorb the B12 we get from food. Injections are a safe, efficient and effective way to keep your body well-balanced. We fix that by injecting the vitamins into the muscle bypasses the “First Pass Metabolism effect” where are bodies naturally filter nutrients before they can fully show the health benefits. (Reference)
Here is a list of Lipo-B injection benefits:
- Provides a clean, no-jitter energy boost
- Speeds up thought processes and focus
- Improves your mood
- Promotes alertness
- Kickstarts your brain to feel motivated
- Boosts your metabolism by helping to digest food
- Helps burn fat – increases the transformation of carbohydrates into energy
- Helps control cholesterol levels and gallstones
- Helps reset metabolism of fats and removal of fat from your liver
- Provides essential components of normal cell and brain function
- Helps reduce cholesterol and detoxify amines
- Helps keep your skin tone healthy and your nails strong
How often do you need to inject Lipo-B Shots?
We recommend B12 or Lipo B injections to be given once a week or even bi-weekly depending on activity. Over the counter supplements can improve energy, but they are not as effective.
We ship nationwide across the USA!
Online Delivery Service of Lipo-B Fat Burner Shots! Click here to order.
$199.00 for 10 Shot Vials are available and Shipped directly to you!
If you’re local to Dallas Fort Worth – In office, we offer 1 shot for $20.00 or we can bundle 6 shots for $100.00 at our Roanoke, Texas clinic. Give us a call at (817) 900-0304 or just walk-in – no appointment needed! We recommend B12 or Lipo B shots to be given once a week or even bi-weekly depending on activity.
The Many Benefits of B12 for our Health:
Heart Health
Vitamin B12 may decrease blood homocysteine, a type of amino acid produced by the body that is connected to increased risk of heart disease.
Bone Health
When bones do not get enough B12 or minerals they become delicate and fragile over time, which can lead to osteoporosis.
Mood & Memory
Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of serotonin (good mood chemical), which is the primary role in keeping us happy and reduces depression. B12 plays a key role in preventing brain atrophy (loss of neurons in the brain), which is often associated with memory loss or dementia.
The natural ingredients show no side effects. The injections are available at our Rise Men’s Health office in Roanoke, Formula which contains:
- Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamine) for energy
- Methionine, Inositol & Choline to mobilize fat
- L-Carnitine to increase fat metabolism
We ship nationwide across the USA!
Online Delivery Service of Lipo-B Fat Burner Shots! Click here to order.
$199.00 for 10 Shot Vials are available and Shipped directly to you!
If you’re local to Dallas Fort Worth – In office, we offer 1 shot for $20.00 or we can bundle 6 shots for $100.00 at our Roanoke, Texas clinic. Give us a call at (817) 900-0304 or just walk-in – no appointment needed! We recommend B12 or Lipo B shots to be given once a week or even bi-weekly depending on activity.
Medically peer reviewed, Written by Our Editorial Team.
Give us a call (817) 900-0304, email or sign-up through our online intake process if you would like to get started with treatment!
Check out our Online Delivery Service of Lipo-B Fat Burner Shots! 10 Shot Vials are available and Shipped directly to you!
We can ship your Lipo-B vial anywhere in the USA from our Roanoke, Texas clinic! Give us a call if you have any questions!