Traveling with Testosterone - How to Pass TSA with TRT prescription

Traveling with Testosterone – How to Pass TSA with TRT Prescription

It is important to know how to make it through TSA checkpoints with your testosterone or hCG supplies. For those that inject our testosterone, it could be a little more complicated when getting ready to fly with syringes and vials.

Whether you’re traveling for work, vacation or home for the holidays, worrying about packing necessary prescription should be the last thing on your mind. Luckily, making your way through TSA with your TRT supplies can be done quickly with a few simple steps.

What are the TSA guidelines on prescriptions? Can I travel with my medication?

Yes, if you have a carry on, you can bring your prescription supplies on your flight.

We suggest a plastic zip-top bag or protective case (like your tolietry bag).

Make sure to pull the bag of supplies out of your bag and place them visibly in the bin. It does not hurt to tell the TSA agent that you have prescription medical. Something along the lines of, “I have some medical supplies in here including syringes and testosterone.” Or “I have a prescription in this plastic bag.”

Bring a copy of your prescription to speed up the screening process, but your RX note may not be necessary.

Similar to other containers like pre-work out or protein powder, the TSA agents will need to test a swab sample to insure safety.

“TSA officers may test liquids, gels or aerosols for explosives or concealed prohibited items. If officers are unable to use X-ray to clear these items, they may ask to open the container and transfer the content to a separate empty container or dispose of a small quantity of the content, if feasible.”

If you checking bags, your medication will be fine and be waiting for you at your final destination.

How do you explain the syringes and vials to a TSA agent that is unfamiliar with TRT?

Most TSA agents are instructed to simply screen the object without interacting with the traveler; However, a copy of your prescription should settle any of the questions TSA agents might have for you and your syringes. Tip: rather than educating the agent on hypogonadism, focus your explanation on injectable medication and the copy of your RX.

Do you need a doctor’s note to take medication on my flight?

While not necessary to travel with prescription medical. Yes, we can provide you with a note explaining the proof of treatment and prescription.

Do you need a doctor’s note to take medication during international travel?

We suggest treating domestic and international the same. It is important to have the prescription listed on your medication or a copy readily available. It never hurt to do a quick search for security rules and regulations at your destination.

Do you have to declare prescription drugs at TSA Pre✓?

According to the website, “If your TSA Pre✓® designation has been verified at a participating airport, you do not need to remove shoes, laptops, 3-1-1 liquids, belts, or light jackets during the screening process.”

In short, no. As Southwest Airlines says, “DING, You are now free to move around the Country.”

These few extra tips for traveling with medical supplies can make a world of difference traveling with your testosterone and TRT supplies. If you have any questions for us, please give us a call at 817-900-0304. These tips can speed up checkpoints for any RX prescription.

Rise Men’s Health is leading the charge to change men’s health care with our in office comprehensive TRT care and our Online eTRT Treatment Platform.

Sign up for our email list to receive updates and tips below. You will get a free low T quiz and some SWAG easy to read information.

Give us a call (817) 900-0304,  email or sign-up through our online intake process if you would like to get started with treatment!

If you do have low testosterone it can be easily treated and monitored via telehealth with the same level of care as you would receive in our traditional clinic setting in Roanoke, Texas. Give us a call if you have any questions!

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