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The Effects of Low Testosterone Levels on Men’s Health

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testes of males responsible for developing male sexual characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle mass. Testosterone levels peak during adolescence and early adulthood. But after age 30, testosterone levels begin to decline, and the process accelerates after age 40.

Testosterone levels decline about 1% to 2% a year after age 30. Although it doesn’t seem much, the decline adds up every year. Testosterone levels can vary depending on the time of day, with levels highest in the morning and lowest at night. They can also vary from day to day. However, continuous testosterone decline may result in various effects on men’s health.

1. Reduced Sex Drive

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for sexual desire in men. With lower testosterone levels, men may experience reduced sexual drive and erectile dysfunction. But surprisingly, low testosterone levels are only a factor in erectile dysfunction—not the primary reason.

Other factors, such as stress, anxiety, and relationship issues, can contribute to these problems. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned about your testosterone levels or sexual performance. There are several treatments available that can help improve your symptoms.

2. Lower Sperm Production

Testosterone is necessary for sperm production. A decrease in testosterone levels may lead to a decrease in sperm count, causing fertility problems. Low testosterone levels can also cause the loss of muscle mass and bone density and can lead to depression and fatigue.

Meanwhile, in severe cases, it can even cause heart problems. Fortunately, there are treatments available for low testosterone, including testosterone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes.

3. Lower Red Blood Cell Count

Testosterone plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. A lower red blood cell count may lead to anemia.

Anemia can cause fatigue and weakness, among other symptoms. In the long run, people with anemia may feel shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and irregular heartbeats. Replacement therapy can help to increase red blood cell counts and improve overall health.

4. Increased Body Fat

A decrease in testosterone levels can lead to increased body fat because testosterone regulates fat metabolism. Testosterone helps to break down fat cells and convert them into energy. On the other hand, it also influences body fat composition and muscle mass in men.

When testosterone levels decline, the body is less able to break down fat cells, increasing body fat. As a result, men with lower testosterone levels may instantly get fat and have difficulty returning their weight to normal.

5. Sleep Disturbances

A decline in testosterone levels can hurt sleep patterns. Testosterone plays a role in regulating the body’s internal clock; a decrease in testosterone can disrupt this process. The body may have difficulty falling asleep when testosterone levels decline.

Irregular sleep patterns can also affect testosterone production. In a study, sleep deprivation halts testosterone production to a minimum, making it difficult for men to produce more. Moreover, the time people spend sleeping also affects testosterone production.

What Causes Lower Testosterone Count?

There are many potential causes of low testosterone levels, the most common reason being aging. The average testosterone level in men begins to decline around age 30 and continues to dwindle as they age. However, other causes of lower testosterone count include:

1. Thyroid Problems

An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause low testosterone levels. The thyroid is a small gland in the neck that produces hormones that help regulate the body’s metabolism. An underactive thyroid can cause various symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

2. Sexual Health Conditions

Low testosterone levels can also be caused by sexual health conditions such as erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. These conditions can be caused by various factors, including stress, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances.

3. Genetic Abnormalities

Genetic abnormalities can also cause low testosterone levels. Testosterone levels can be affected by genetic conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome and Kallmann syndrome. Meanwhile, genetic factors also contribute to how concentrated testosterone becomes. 

Treatments for Low Testosterone Levels

There are several treatments available for low testosterone levels. These treatments can be used to improve the symptoms of low testosterone levels, as well as to improve the quality of life.

1. Weight Loss

One of the most common treatments for low testosterone levels is weight loss. Weight loss can improve the symptoms of low testosterone levels by enhancing the body’s ability to produce testosterone. Weight loss can also improve the quality of life by improving the body’s ability to function correctly.

2. Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Erectile dysfunction medication can improve the symptoms of low testosterone levels by enhancing the body’s ability to produce testosterone. It can also improve the quality of life by improving the body’s ability to function correctly.

3. Sleeping Aids

Since sleeping causes low testosterone production, solving the problem might be a way to alleviate low testosterone levels. If the patient gets to sleep on time, spending enough hours sleeping, they might influence the body’s processes and produce more testosterone for it. 

Is Having a Low Testosterone Count Dangerous?

Although low testosterone levels are generally not dangerous, they can still cause other medical problems. For example, they can increase the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. Therefore, it is best to have a checkup and consult with a professional.

Final Recommendation

Testosterone is an essential hormone in the human body. It is responsible for developing male sexual characteristics, such as facial and body hair, and the growth of muscle tissue. It also regulates sex drive, sperm, and red blood cell production. However, testosterone levels decline with age; getting tested and checked for it is crucial.

Having a low testosterone count can be a challenging situation for men. It can cause a variety of medical problems and can make it challenging to live everyday life. If you think that you might have a low testosterone count, you should see your doctor. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.

RISE Men’s Health is a medical clinic specializing in testosterone replacement treatments, helping men reach their normal testosterone levels. Serving Texas, we can bring the office to you through our eTRT Telemedicine services, covered by insurance. Get the help you need today and start the eTRT online consultation today.

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